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Aug. 24, 2015 & PBMLP
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 24, 2015  -- 6 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   Regular meeting minutes  -  PBMLP minutes
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina  Nazarian
        Historical Commission members were in to discuss town common issues and their duties. Chairman Joyce Anderson submitted an outline of the commission’s charge. Member Matt Lindburgh and Joe Lee explained that in 2008, an ad hoc “town properties use” committee was proposed to consider requests that may be received for projects on town land. Selectmen suggested the commissioners research similar procedures and regulations from other communities and come back in four weeks.
Selectmen heard a proposal from Eagle Scout Sam Goodnow who wants to replace and redesign benches at Dingman Park, using redwood on a single pedestal constructed of metal. The three memorial benches there now are pressure-treated wood. Selectmen asked Nina to find out who has jurisdiction. If it’s part of the town common, it’s under BOS; if it’s a separate park, it’s under Parks & Rec.
6:35 PM Nina reported on the need to repair Bagg Hall walkways and had received quotes from Rud Mason of PrincetonScapes. State law requires using prevailing wage for that type work, regardless of project size. Rud had not used prevailing wages in his bid. Any job over $10,000 needs to go out to bid.
6:45 PM         Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Nina as chief procurement officer for a term through June 30, 2018.
        Selectmen agreed to plan a ‘meet & greet’ with appointed boards and commissions, and invite elected boards, and reviewed a list of all boards with board members. They eliminated several boards that they will be otherwise meeting with in the near future, such as Historical Commission, Advisory, Broadband and Facilities Planning. The practice was done two years ago and BOS found it helpful.
7 PM    Attorney General approved general bylaw addition that allows BOS to enter into employment contracts. The selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to begin negotiations with the DPW director.
        Jon brought up two items. The first was a suggestion that all town hall employees list the duties they perform. Nina said that job descriptions were on file. The second~item discussed was the CPA management letter. There was a brief discussion of both items.
7:10 PM  Some discussion around Verizon installing cell receivers on the new public safety tower. Nina has samples from other communities regarding leasing a town facility for commercial use.
6:40 PM         Selectmen voted all in favor to approve meeting minutes & Exec. Session (not to release) minutes for Aug. 10
        The signed Warrants FY’16 – 5, Nina announced dates when she would be away at procurement training and on vacation. The group discussed a CMRPC report on population trends and Stan wants to submit comments to them explaining the effect that new broadband service may have in their projections.

7:30  PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn their meeting.

7:32 PM  Stan called to order the PBMLP meeting with himself as chair, Jon F. and Edith M. present. The three members voted all in favor to authorize the chair to sign a $5,000 planning assistance grant that was accepted recently. They also voted all in favor to appoint Nina a PBMLP manager. They discussed a surety bond coming in for Sept. 23 which will pay PMLD and Verizon for the start of pole analysis. They also discussed a clerk of the works and having someone keep track on a spreadsheet of all work detail.
7:45 PM  The group agreed to meet on Sept. 1 with Axia engineering and consider a new letter of intent.

7:46 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: outline of the Historical Commission’s charge; proposal from Eagle Scout; CMRPC report on population trends

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department